Time to hold accountable those who lost the election:
There will be a progressive protest of the Democratic Party at the State Executive Board Meeting. Saturday, 11/19 at 12-noon. At the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay
1441 Quivira Road, San Diego, CA
(wear your Bernie Shirts)
Note: that same evening there is a special meeting of the Progressive Democratic Caucus at the same hotel ( https://www.meetup.com/Our-Revolution-San-Diego/events/235473481/ )
Here is the CA DSCC system video from 2009, the numbers have changed slightly, but essentially for progressives to take over the CA Democratic Party we need to elect 14 people in each of 84 State Assembly Districts in a party-election in January 2017.
If you know a registered Democrat who is a true progressive (i.e. voted for Bernie), and would be willing to help, contact Mike Thaller (PDA) or Jose Caballero, (619) 246-2096. (sdprogdems.org)