Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday Night Philosophy: Political Vision

Please share this invitation with your club members, GO Team, and friends.

This Friday, July 20, 6-7:30pm, at the San Diego Coastal HQ, we will host the fifth in a series of “Friday Seminars.”

The last four Friday Seminar topics:
What is the relationship between philosophy, policy and morality?
What are the core values of the Democrat Party?
Is the Democratic Party the solution or the problem?
How do we take back the media?

This Friday’s Seminar:
Is there a need for a New Vision for the Democratic Party?
What can we learn from the Green Party?

Listen to what Gar Alperovitz said about the “Next Great Revolution.” Towards the end he talks about the emerging need for a new vision.

Also, as the camera scans the audience in the room, check out the demographics of the Green Party. How does this compare with those who attended your last Democratic Club meeting?

Hope to see you on Friday, 6pm, at the San Diego Coastal HQ, as we discuss the need for a new vision for the Old Democratic Party.

Bring your favorite beverage and a snack to share.

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